Word To Go includes rich formatting features including bold, italics, underline, font color, alignment, bulleted & numbered lists, tables, bookmarks, comments, footnotes, endnotes, track-changes, word count, find & replace, etc.
Sheet To Go offers powerful data computation with support for 111 functions, cell, number & sheet formatting, row & column preferences, auto-fit options, freeze panes, sort, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, charting, etc.
Slideshow To Go allows you to effortlessly “flick” through slides, review notes, rehearse timing & make last minute changes to presentations on the go.
PDF To Go provides high-fidelity viewing of important reference materials with options for page view, word wrap, auto-rotate, bookmarks, search, select & copy text, and more.
Total access with support for attachments, password-protected files and built-in file browser
Localized in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Czech and Arabic and traditional and simplified Chinese
As noted, the apps are specifically for BES 10 users and will not work unless your organization has the necessary back-end BlackBerry Enterprise software, so average consumers have no reason to download this suite. That said though, consumer offerings of the same apps are available for purchase on Android and iOS while they are included for free with every BlackBerry smartphone.